Jack Of No Trades
A podcast about people - and what they do. Join host Michelle McAllister as she brings on professionals from wide range of backgrounds to talk about how they got to their current job, what they wanted to be when they "grew up" and what they wish they knew when they were starting out.
Jack Of No Trades
Re-Release: Managing Expectations with Brian Fenerty
Brian Fenerty
Season 2
Episode 5
We had some tech issues last week, so re-releasing this episode with Brian Fenerty.
Brian Fenerty has worked in recruitment around the world and is now back in the states, building out tools to help any job seeker feel as prepared as possible for their job hunt. Brian shares his perspective on why those positions that get away can be a blessing in disguise and why no tool is effective without practice. If you want to catch up with Brian and his latest endeavors, you can find him at lifeswork.coach. Even better, if you are interested in his book, F"ind A Job You Love, Get the Job You Want" it is available on amazon, https://a.co/d/4f2mfat