Jack Of No Trades

Paul Silverman

Paul Silverman Season 1 Episode 6

Paul Silverman is a Managing Director for Team One, overseeing the marketing and advertising for Lexus out of their Texas office. He takes me through his start, what he believes is his most valuable skill for his position, as well as what he wishes he knew when he started out. If you want to check out the book on Stocism that Paul references towards the end of conversation, it's called The Daily Stoic and can be found in audio or hard copy. 

LINK: https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Stoic-Meditations-Wisdom-Perseverance/dp/0735211736/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Y6QF8JRFD8O6&keywords=the+daily+stoic&qid=1644346620&sprefix=the+daily+stoi%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-1

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